Count On


Count On... Financial Consultants to schools

Count On provide a range of service options. These are intended to be as flexible as possible, giving customers the choice of purchasing a complete package or individual services. We give a brief outline of our services below.

Please feel free to contact us for an informal chat on how we might be able to help you.

Comprehensive Service

The school's dedicated CRB checked Financial Adviser will provide three half-day visits. The date, time and remit of each visit will be agreed in advance by the school and might cover:

These are suggestions only and a visit may be for any purpose a school might require.

Schools are also provided with spreadsheets covering calculation of staff salary costs, provision of teachers' salary statements, working budget planner, School Journey records, and monitoring of the private school fund.

We also provide telephone and email support for the RM Finance and RM Accounts software and for our own spreadsheets. Guidance is also available via this web-site.

A regular newsletter is provided to keep schools up to date on issues relating to their Service Agreement and other relevant developments.

Advisory Service

This package is for schools who are more experienced or confident with school financial matters and who do not require support visits but would like the comfort of telephone or email help when necessary. We can, of course, provide additional visit support if schools using this service find it is required.

Premium Service

Under the Premium Service the school receives 39 visits from its dedicated Financial Adviser and these will typically cover the points detailed for the Comprehensive Service. This service is usually purchased by schools who wish to free up time for their Admin / Finance Officer to concentrate on other issues. The regularity of visits encourages a good dialogue and close working relationship between the school and their adviser.

Most schools using this service opt for a regular weekly visit although we are fully flexible on the frequency and timing.

Other Services

We would be pleased to provide a quotation for a bespoke report or specific requirement. We are able to provide reports using Crystal Reports software. We have knowledge of the requirements of various London Boroughs and of Hertfordshire. Our services can be purchased individually or as part of one of the above packages. We will try to provide a solution for any need that a school might have. We are happy to visit schools to provide absence cover.

Notices and Policies
© Copyright 2004–2023 Count On (School Finance) Limited